Electrode Records, Christchurch, New Zealand

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The Tom Bosley Experience on Myspace

NZMusic.com - The Real New Zealand Music Website

SmokeCDs.com - buy CDs online


mp3.com.au - An excellent free music site, some wonderful undiscovered geniuses lurk here. Load your own music too!

Cartoon Beats - what beats reality? Cartoon beats reaility!

Stray Theories - lush ambient electro sounds and ethereal soundscapes fused with deep meditative ambience.

Newclear Music - sounds from the opposite realms

Symbiont AV - a unique soundscape of funkadelic, trance, tribal, and dark fullon psychedelic chunky flavours.

Electrode Records, P O Box 3003, Christchurch, NEW ZEALAND. E-mail: electrode@failsaferecords.com